

Dear Visitor,

Welcome to the TaSHI website.  On this website we provide detailed information, qualitative and quantitative data, and evidence-base for the project entitled “Empowering EU health policies on Task SHIfting”. The 3-year long project – started in April 2021 – is co-funded by the 3rd Health Programme of the EU, therefore our activities aim to produce a novel understanding and up-to-date knowledge on task shifting, as well as to foster dialogues on transferability and uptake of good practices in Europe. Task shifting can contribute to more effective organisation of care and human resources for health management at different levels, so committing to improve efficient and sustainable health systems in innovative ways.

We invite you to actively participate in the discussions on useful tools and methods in task shifting, so that we can all contribute to the co-creation for more efficient, accessible, and resilient health systems and workforces in Europe.

Key facts about TaSHI

Duration of TaSHI: 36 months. From

1 April 2021 until 31 March 2024

TaSHI involves 7 partners in 6 countries

The estimated project costs are:
 € 649 448,27
EU contribution is: 60%

TaSHI will carry out pilot projects in 5 selected countries

Follow our activities in webinars, on the EU Health Policy Platform in Health workforce projects cluster, register to our newsletter, follow us on Twitter

Some of the main results of TaSHI will be: A Guidebook of task shifting,

5 Case studies, Set of recommendations for task shifting actions

Stay updated about the latest news and activities of the TaSHI project.