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TaSHI final event in Budapest

TaSHI project had its final event on the 11-12 March 2024 in Budapest.

In the frames of the event TaSHI achievements were presented. 

We had very fruitful and interesting discussions about the project sustainability visions, we featured the possible ways forward. It is noted that the issue of health workforce challenges is an important topic on the European policy agenda, and based on this we believe that the outputs of TaSHI will have a continuation in new health workforce related projects.

Health workforce projects cluster - joint event

The Health Workforce Projects Cluster of the EU Health Policy Platform organised a Europe wide conference and discussed relevant policy recommendations, developed on the basis of the results achieved within the cluster, and launched a call to translate them into action.

This event was the final joint webinar of the five health workforce projects on the Health Workforce Projects Cluster on the EU Health Policy Platform: TaSHIMETEORAHEAD, ROUTE-HWF and OASES.

If you missed the event, you can find the presentations and the recording below.

16th European Public Health Conference 2023

Fruzsina Kóder TaSHI project manager participated in the annual EUPHA conference in Dublin, 8-11 November 2023.

The workshop, titled “How to solve shortages and uneven distribution of health workers in Europe?” provided a platform for TaSHI and other health workforce related projects to showcase innovative strategies. Emphasizing the importance of task shifting, our project aims to optimize healthcare resources and mitigate medical deserts by redistributing tasks among healthcare professionals. The collaborative discussions underscored the importance in addressing critical workforce challenges, marking a decisive step toward reshaping healthcare delivery across Europe.

TaSHI at EHMA 2023


The importance of task shifting in health workforce was highlighted in EHMA2023

In session: health workforce competencies, TaSHI case study – Enabling task shifting to increase the accessibility of primary care provision in Lithuania – was presented by Marius Ciurlionis and Solveiga Smagariene (Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania).  The session was facilitated by Dr Zoltán Cserháti TaSHI project coordinator.

TaSHI WP5 partner Luigi Apuzzo (AGENAS, Italy) also highlighted the importance of task shifting in his presentation focusing on how to improve the recruitment and retainment of health workforce.

TaSHI workshop in Estonia

In March 2023, TaSHI piloted learning material from the task shifting curriculum with the ongoing Estonian case study.


In the two-day workshop, organized by the Ministry of Social Affairs, Estonian mental health nurses received new knowledge of the fundamentals of task shifting, discussed in groups experiences on task shifting already happening in mental healthcare and identified learning needs to implement task shifting.


Furthermore, barriers and facilitators for task shifting in mental health care were assessed. Using World café as an approach knowledge and views on professional competency, guidelines and protocols, organization of health care, management and leadership, and facilitators and barriers for taskshifting were discussed, shared, and summarized.


The workshop was well received by the participants they reported the workshop as useful, in particular the World café and group discussions. Majority felt the workshop had made them more comfortable taking on responsibilities for task shifting and being able to disseminate the new knowledge and their experiences gained in this event. 

On Tuesday April 26th 2022 we presented the TaSHI project at workshop on videoconferencing in wound care in Gjøvik, Norway.
The workshop was part of a project that has received innovation funding from South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority. The project is a collaboration between Innlandet Hospital Trust, Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital and Hospital of Southern Norway. The target group for the workshop was professionals working with digital wound care in health trusts and municipalities, ICT advisers, GPs and practice consultants, municipal employees working with welfare technology development, managers and decision-makers.
Videoconferencing in wound care is one of the pilot cases task shifting in the TaSHI-project. At the workshop, TaSHI and Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital had three small group workshop asking stakeholders for important feedback on priorities of learning outcomes for a curriculum in task shifting, as well as important content for learning materials for task-shifting in wound care using videoconferencing.

Eszter Kovacs, project manager of TaSHI in her presentation in G-STIC Series in Dubai was talking about the useful post-COVID methods in terms of creating efficient and sustainable health systems.

First TaSHI workshop
The first technical workshop was organized by TaSHI Work Package 4 in order to immerse in the phenomenon of task shifting in healthcare. Colleagues of the University of South-Eastern Norway moderated the discussions on the enablers and obstacles of task shifting. The TaSHI Advisory Board members and Pilot implementers had remarkable insights about the priorities how to translate emerging needs into resilient service delivery, and identified key points in promoting task shifting in a digital curriculum during the fruitful dialogue.