Activities of TaSHI
Taking care of accumulating evidence – TaSHI is performing a complex mapping exercise by screening the academic literature and EU project documents, as well as carrying out focus-group interviews with key experts. The aim is to gather information on useful tools, methods and current good practices in task shifting.
Analysing the existing practices – the TaSHI team analyses the data collected about various practices of task shifting in different countries. The project covers dimensions of delegation of tasks and sharing roles within health professions, different groups of health professionals and also shifts to machines.

Selecting a common framework – the TaSHI team identified a common framework that serves as a basic tool for implementing pilot projects in 5 different countries. The selected framework follows a standard 7 step-wise approach in order to summarise conclusions and maximise the lessons learnt from the case studies.
Hold expert discussions and organise stakeholder dialogues – the TaSHI team fosters knowledge sharing and exchange across EU MS on the specific processes and features of task shifting, and facilitates dialogues between the relevant stakeholders. This activity contributes to strengthening governance and stakeholder engagement for transferring and upscaling task shifting practices.

Identify future plans – Emphasising guidelines based on the pilot experiences and designing a set of recommendations for strengthening the knowledge of task shifting, and enhancing the capacity of health workforce policies are major outcomes of TaSHI. The team also creates tangible training materials and realises a curriculum for human resource for health management and health workforce development.