The TaSHI Project

General information 

TaSHI stands for Empowering EU health policies on Task SHIfting. Health workforce planning systems show a high variety of maturity in the EU. Member States tend to focus on diverse aspects of managing health workforces and health policy focuses on optimising the operation of health systems by various measures. Initiatives on task shifting can contribute to more effective organisation of care and human resources for health management at different levels, so committing to improve efficient and sustainable health systems in innovative ways. The main objectives of the TaSHI project are to provide a novel understanding and up-to-date knowledge on task shifting and on transferability and uptake of good practices in implementation. 


The HWF (Health WorkForce) in Europe is facing significant challenges due to the ageing population and ageing HWF, shortages and unequal distribution of HWF and resources, the growing demands of better-integrated and patient centred care, as well as the rise of multi-morbidity and non-communicable diseases. 

Policy making in the EU has focused on the sustainable development goals and the universal health coverage (SDGs and UHC) for a long time, which contributes to the sustainability of health systems. 

Task shifting can increase the efforts of moving towards a more integrated and patient centered health care. Task shifting has a key role in achieving a well-functioning health system, but it is also posing challenges related to the consequent change in current practices and organisation of care. 

It is important to mention digitalisation and the exponential growth of accessible information and evidence, which have the potential to bring significant benefits and offer solutions to address HWF related challenges.



1) Providing added value on the concept, notion, and implementation of task shifting at EU-,national- and regional levels, as well as an update on the existing tools and methods to support and upscale the implementation of task shifting in EU MS.

2) Providing a novel understanding, new and up-to-date knowledge on task shifting and on transferability of existing good practices in implementation. Investigating the feasibility, challenges, benefits and impact of different forms of task shifting through case studies based on hands-on experience from pilot implementation sites.

3) Disseminating case studies and fostering knowledge sharing and exchange across EU MS on the specific processes and features of task shifting via online events (e.g. webinars, thematic workshops, and presentations).

4) Progressing implementation by facilitating the dialogues and exchanges between the relevant stakeholders, strengthening governance and stakeholder engagement for transferring and upscaling task shifting practices and policies supporting health reforms for HWF development. Enhancing cultural sensitivity, flexibility and readiness, as well as organizational adaptation to task shifting.

The Specific operational objectives of the project are the following:

1) Mapping practices and developing tools – strengthening the knowledge on task shifting

2) Provide recommendations on training and upskilling – share and utilise experiences of implementation pilots on task shifting